Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide

Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide controls various sucking and chewing pests on ornamentals, lawns and in potting soil in the home garden.

Eco-Neem is a registered organic (ACO Cert #222) insecticide for the control of a broad range of chewing and sucking insects, including caterpillars, curl grubs, grasshoppers (wingless), aphids, mites, lawn armyworms, citrus leafminers, whitefly, mealybugs and fungus gnats in soil. It will also control sooty mould.

Larger packs are sold as AzaMax Insecticide (DuluxGroup).

Active Ingredient: 11.82 g/L Azadirachtin A & B present as 29.55 g/L Azadirachta Indica extract.

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Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide ECO-NEEM OCP - Organic Crop Protectants


Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide

Active Ingredient: 11.82 g/L Azadirachtin A & B present as 29.55 g/L Azadirachta Indica extract.

Larger packs are sold as AzaMax Insecticide (DuluxGroup).

Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide controls various sucking and chewing pests on ornamentals, lawns and in potting soil in the home garden. It is a registered organic (ACO Cert #222) insecticide for the control of a broad range of chewing and sucking insects, including caterpillars, curl grubs, grasshoppers (wingless), aphids, mites, lawn armyworms, citrus leafminers, whitefly, mealybugs and fungus gnats in soil. It will also control sooty mould.

Why choose Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide;

  • It is made from neem tree extracts (Azadirachtin A & B) and mixed with other plant oils to enhance its stability and shelf-life.
  • It works in multiple ways, with the two main actions being suppression of insect appetite (they starve to death) and restricting growth (unable to moult successfully).
  • Plant damage stops as soon as the insect ingests eco-neem, but insect death may take several days, depending on their size and type.
  • Eco-Neem is safe for pets, birds, lizards and beneficial insects, including bees. Avoid using around ponds and aquaponics as it can be harmful to fish.
  • Approved for use on ornamental plants only. It currently does not have approval for use on edible plants.
  • Eco-Neem is available in larger pack sizes under the brand Azamax.
  • 100mL of Eco-Neem concentrate makes up 50L of spray.
  • 250mL of Eco-Neem concentrate makes up 125L of spray.

Where can Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide be used;

  • Home Garden Lawn
  • Ornamentals – Garden & Plant Pots
  • Ornamental Citrus
  • Ornamental Plants
  • Potting Soil – Floriculture & Ornamental

What pests does Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide control;

  • Curl Grub
  • Lawn Armyworm
  • Citrus Leaf miner
  • Aphid
  • Caterpillar
  • Mealy Bug
  • Sooty Mould
  • Two Spotted Mite
  • Whitefly
  • Wingless Grasshopper
  • Fungus Gnat

Pack Sizes: 100mL & 250mL (1L & 5L pack sizes available as Azamax Insecticide)

Registrant: Duluxgroup (Australia) Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 63139

Turf & Domestic Organic Range

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Azadirachtin.
  • Registered Organic (Australian Organic) Insecticide.
  • Controls a very broad range of chewing and sucking insects.
  • Stabilised neem extract with a 2-year shelf-life from Date of Manufacture.
  • Very concentrated and used at low rates (2-3ml/L for most pests).
  • Safe for beneficial insects, including bees.

Directions Of Use

Click here for Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide Directions for Use.

General Rates:

Plant / Situation Pest Rate How to Apply
Ornamental Plants Two-spotted Mites, White fly, Aphids, Caterpillars, Sooty mould Mix 10mL per 5L water Apply when pests appear. Re-apply every 7 days while pests are present. Good coverage is important, so apply spray to the upper and underside of leaves to the point of runoff.

Caterpillars: Use of an emulsified botanical oil spray additive is recommended. 

Mealybugs: Use the higher rate when pest numbers are high.

Sooty Mould: Spray insects directly above and around or within the sooty mould-affected areas. 

Note plant safety caution information

Wingless Grasshoppers Mix 15mL per 5L Water
Mealybugs Mix 15-30mL per 5L Water
Home garden lawns, plants, pots and garden beds (ornamentals only) Lawn Armyworm Mix 20mL per 5L Water to treat 10 square metres. Apply at the first sign of pest infestation and before pest populations build up to damaging levels. Ensure thorough coverage of treated areas. Apply using a watering can.
Curl Grubs (African black beetle larvae) Mix 10mL per Litre water Apply as a soil drench using a watering can. For Curl Grubs, the optimum application time is peak egg hatch, which occurs between mid-Spring to mid-Summer. Ensure thorough coverage of treated areas.
Ornamental Citrus Citrus Leaf Miner Mix 25mL per 10L Water Begin applying when the new flush growth is 4cm long. Apply every 5 to 14 days with the presence of new flush growth. Ensure that new flush leaves are sprayed on top and underneath.
Potting Soil (for ornamental plants only) Fungus gnats 30mL per 10L Water Apply as a soil drench using approximately 1-litre mixture per 8-litre potting soil.

Rates are a general guide only.  Before opening, carefully read Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal and dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    What is the mixing ratio of Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide to water?

  1. Q What is the mixing ratio of Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide to water?
    Asked by Carley on November 20, 2024 12:01 pm
    Answered by the admin

    The mixing ratio for Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide varies depending on what you're treating. As a general guide, for most common pests on ornamentals, lawns, and in potting soil: (1) General Dilution: 1-3 ml per 1 litre of water for foliar application (spraying on leaves). (2) Soil Drench: Up to 10 ml per 1 litre of water for soil drenching. The complete list of dilution rates can be found on the product page by navigating to the 'directions of use' or 'technical & SDS' tabs. 


  2. I accidentally sprayed Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide on my vegetable, Pak Choi (Bok Choy) as I thought it was neem oil. I have herbs, trees, and vine trees growing around the perimeter of the pak choi. Will I now get poisoned by eating those other plants? I did not spray those plants, but I am wondering if the eco-neem has gone into the soil and whether they are now edible.

  3. Q I accidentally sprayed Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide on my vegetable, Pak Choi (Bok Choy) as I t...... Read more
    Asked by Nihal on March 23, 2024 9:03 am
    Answered by the admin

    Eco-Neem Oil 'directions for use' does not recommend for use on plants that produce food for human or animal consumption.  We suggest for further clarification on impacts on sprayed plants and surrounding plants (for human consumption) contacting the manufacturer Organic Crop Protectants p. 1800 634 204 e. [email protected]

  4. Is Eco-Neem Botanical Organic Insecticide affected by rain? How long before rain should spraying be avoided?

  5. Q Is Eco-Neem Botanical Organic Insecticide affected by rain? How long before rain should spraying ...... Read more
    Asked by Ross on December 27, 2022 4:08 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Eco-Neem Botanical Organic Insecticide, when applied as a spray and allowed to dry before a shower of rain, should not lose its efficacy with re-applications as per the 'directions for use' label.

  6. Bjr je demande si le produit eco-neem est disponible si oui combien me reviens le litre à l'expédition vers Sénégal ?
  7. Q Bjr je demande si le produit eco-neem est disponible si oui combien me reviens le litre à l'expéd...... Read more
    Asked by Modou Ba on January 18, 2022 6:44 am
    Answered by the admin

    Merci pour votre demande concernant l'insecticide biologique botanique Eco-Neem. Malheureusement, nous ne vendons pas en dehors de l'Australie.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Home Garden Lawn, Ornamentals - General - Garden & Plant Pots Curl Grub, Lawn Armyworm
Ornamental Citrus Citrus Leafminer
Ornamental Plant Aphid, Caterpillar, Mealy Bug, Sooty Mould, Two Spotted Mite, Whitefly, Wingless Grasshopper
Potting Soil - Floriculture & Ornamental Fungus Gnat

Tips For Use

How To Prepare:

  • Eco-neem is a biologically derived product that is active on the listed chewing and sucking insect pests on a wide range of ornamental plants and lawns.
  • Consistent applications are necessary during pest activity.
  • Mix well before spraying.
  • Compatibility: eco-neem is compatible with eco-oil (an emulsified botanical oil spray).


Plant Safety:

  • Trials on sensitive plants such as ferns, poinsettias and African violets have resulted in leaf damage.
  • Testing a small area is recommended before spraying to determine sensitive species and varieties.
  • Do not allow chemical containers or spray to get into drains, sewers, streams or ponds.
  • Do not feed treated grass clippings to livestock


  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children.
  • Do not store in direct Sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • It will irritate the eyes and skin.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
  • When opening the container and preparing the product for use, wear rubber gloves.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Not required when used as directed.

SDS & Technical

Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide Label Download Pdf
Eco-Neem Botanical Insecticide SDS Download Pdf

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